FOPBE Weekly News Letter Oct5

FOPBE Weekly News Letter Oct 5-9
Posted on 10/05/2020
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PBE Families,

It may be October but it feels like summer!  We hope you have found ways to beat the heat and have some fun this weekend.  Thank you to everyone who attended our FOPBE meeting last Tuesday.  It was lovely to see so many friendly faces coming together for the good of our school!  There is alot to report on this week in the fundraising arena and we want to thank our volunteers for putting in the time and energy needed to get these events off the ground!
  • Corporate Sponsors: Last week, we sent out a letter to the business community letting them know about Corporate Sponsorship opportunities for the 2020-21 school year.  We made adjustments to the donation tiers given the effects of the pandemic on the local economy and offered up flexibility and a desire to work together.  We have already received some positive feedback.  If you own a business or know of a business that may be interested in being a corporate sponsor, please send an email to [email protected].  We will also be sending an email this week with more details on corporate sponsorship so stay tuned.  Thank you so much to Kristen Everett and Nicole Nestojko for their thoughtfulness in putting this together. 🙏🙏
  • Contribution Drive:  It's coming...stay tuned for details about our first big fundraiser of the 2020-21 school year with a focus on ensuring funding for continued social-emotional support as well as San Diego Youth Science!  We would love to bring this popular science program back to PBE and keep curiosity at the forefront of our kiddos minds 🙂 Thank you to Jessica Cohen and Maria Hawley for taking the lead on this important fundraiser.
  • Art Cards:  This popular fundraiser is back and in action.  Don't forget to stop by the school to pick-up your art card template and follow the instructions below on how to submit and pay for your art cards.  This is a VERY popular holiday item and, this year, everyone in your family can participate - not just your PBE student.  A big thanks to Jaimme Jones for organizing this fun, creative fundraiser!
Just a reminder that if you have questions or need support for your child during distance learning, teacher office hours are open to parents to have 1x1 discussions about their child's progress.  It's hard to connect during distance learning so please connect with your child's teacher if you need support.  Speaking of support...Mission Bay High School students are offering tutoring assistance to our elementary students. Check out the Kid by Kid information below to learn how you can connect with an MBHS tutor.

Finally, the school choice window is open and PBE is hosting virtual tours starting October 15.  If you know of families interested in PBE, please pass along this information and go to PBE's website for a schedule of virtual tours.  If you haven't checked out PBE's website lately, take a peek!  It's been a beat since it was last updated and a huge thank you to Doug LaRue for taking on the labor of updating the website!!  

Have a great week,
Rachel & Elizabeth on behalf of FOPBE

Principal's Message

Thank you to those of you who joined us in our various meetings this past week; we appreciate your input and leadership and we partner together in educating our children.

Phase 1 Appointment Based Learning

Our PBE team of educators are in the process of preparing and planning for a safe and successful launch to our Phase 1 onsite experience for students. We are excited to begin the process of having children return to campus. Phase 1 is built for a small number of students - those who are showing they have the greatest need. Phase 1 is meant to be a short phase. We are in the process of identifying available resources; analyzing data and prioritizing students for this phase of appointment-based services. Support and services for students will be recommended by educators and planned and coordinated by our site team. Families will hear directly from us if there is an opportunity for their child to participate in Phase 1 scheduled, on-campus learning. Participation in Phase 1 is optional and all participants- students and staff will be required to wear masks for the entirety of the visit to campus. No additional action is required by students or parents at this time.  Phase 1 may start as early as October 13, 2020.

Monday Morning Assembly @ 8:15-8:25 a.m.

We invite all PBE students to join us for our Monday Morning Assembly hosted by Principal Grondek. Our Monday Morning Assembly is an opportunity for our school to come together as a community and celebrate our common goals of being bucket fillers and spreading kindness.  This is an optional opportunity; please join us if this feels like a good way for your child to begin his or her week.  

Zoom Details

 See email for details.

Thank you for your positive messages of support for our teachers and staff! We are grateful for your partnership at home as we work together on behalf of our children.

Take care,

Jennifer Grondek

It is Art Card time! 

Step 1: Cut a rectangle from white paper to measure 6.5 by 10 inches, then fold to 6.5 by 5 inches. Draw the picture on one side, sign their name on the other. Write name, grade, and teacher on the inside. 

OR Go to PBE from 9/30-10/9 from 9 am – 5 pm and pick up a blank art card. The blank cards are easy to know where to draw the art, where to write their name as well as the information inside the card. 

It is recommended that the art be drawn in felt-tip marker, please. 

Step 2: Return the art and order form (Handwritten okay! I just need to know your name, your child’s name, phone number, and what you want to order.) to PBE in the designated “Art Cards” box right outside the main office. It will be there on 9/30-10/9 from 9 am – 5 pm on school days.  

Step 3: Complete payment via Venmo to Jaimme Jones (JaimmeJ) for the items that you are ordering. If you’d rather submit payment in a different way, please call me at 619.300.7586. 

Burritos for Good!
Dine out at Chipotle on Tuesday, October 6th. Order online for pickup with the online ordering code: RRX49K8
Mission Bay High School students are offering free tutoring to elementary school students. If you sign up for tutoring without connecting with Alex Branch, please make sure to enter "MBHS" in the notes section of the registration in order to be linked with a Mission Bay student. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]
Here's what's happening this week at PBE:
Monday, October 5
  • Monday Morning Assemby, 8:15-8:25am, 

    Zoom Details

     See your email for details
Tuesday, October 6

WednesdayOctober 7

Thursday, October 8
  • PBE Library Book Pick Up 7:30 - 9 am
  • Family Dine-Out, Chipolte 4 - 8 pm order online using the code RRX49K8
Friday, October 9
  • Dance Fitness Friday with Coach Cortes, 8-8:30 am

    Zoom Details

     See your email for details.

  • October 20, FOPBE Meeting, 5:30pm
  • November 6, Principal's Chat, 8am
  • November 11, Veteran's Day, No School
  • November 16-20, Minimum Days, Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wear your PBE gear and show off your school spirit!
Meet your friends and neighbors at the family-friendly PB Farmers' Market every Tuesday from 3 pm to 6 pm for farm fresh food, tasty snacks or an easy dinner, on Bayard Street at Garnet.  

In cooperation with City of San Diego COVID-19 guidelines, markets are focused on grocery shopping and prepared food is only offered for takeout. Before attending, please read current market rules here.
Thank you for your continued support!